About Me

In my coaching practice with nurses, I provide compassionate support as they learn to overcome workplace fatigue and feelings of overwhelm. Together, we build self-compassionate resilience to stress and explore ways to bring energy and joy into their lives.

Hi, I'm Linda

I work with my clients through deep inquiry and explore how to develop a healthy, sustainable, and resilient lifestyle despite the chaotic work environments in which they work.

Linda Yetman smiling at the camera with a white background, short greyish hair, and a pink and purple scarf on.

In my practice, I help nurses overcome workplace overwhelm and fatigue by building self-compassionate resilience to stress.

In my program, through individualized strategies, you will learn how to have more energy and vitality in your life, even if you can’t imagine it right now.

Don’t spend another day feeling less than amazing.

I can help you with your feelings of:
A drawing of an eucalyptus branch with green leaves on it.

My Story

My personal journey hasn’t always been easy.

I began my professional career as a diploma-prepared Registered Nurse and have since pursued a variety of academic credentials in nursing and coaching. With experience practicing in five provinces across Canada, I’ve always been dedicated to my profession. I am as enthusiastic about patient and family care as the night I graduated with my Registered Nurse Diploma, in my white uniform and cap with my black band!

Working with my healthcare colleagues, I’ve helped many patients and families through their experiences of pain, grief, and loss. During those experiences, I’ve also witnessed suffering in colleagues around me. This suffering is, in part, related to the impact of the chaotic clinical environments in which most staff work.

While I believe that nursing is sacred, nursing roles can be difficult. Clinical work is not easy. It often takes its toll on a person professionally and personally. I’ve experienced this impact myself – and I know I’m far from the only one. The problem is, sometimes we’re not even aware of the fact that we’re experiencing distress in our work…that is until we reach our tipping point and say, “That’s it…I’m done!” After a long shift, have you ever wanted to (or actually did!) kiss the dirty elevator door taking you to your locker room in the bowels of the building? Have you thought about changing your name after a shift because if you hear it one more time, you may scream?

In recent years, I have spent a lot of time taking a deep look at what is really happening in today’s clinical environments. And I chose to do something about it. This choice began with a commitment to first care for myself so that I could then care for others. I now know that you can’t do the latter without the former. It is not a perfect situation for me either – life happens to us all; however, change does begin with awareness and knowing where to turn for support and validation.

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You need to discover what self-care means for you and what will work for you.
Linda Yetman

My diverse educational background in nursing, psychotherapy, and coaching enriches my professional services. I am trained in various approaches such as solution-focused, depth and positive psychology, applied neuroscience, and narrative and health coaching.  

This education has strengthened what has always been a fundamental principle in my nursing practice—to help persons with the most bothersome issue; we must come to understand the person and their story.

A drawing of an eucalyptus branch with green leaves on it.

Why I Became a Nurse Psychotherapist and Coach

I started my private practice to help others to do more than survive in their work environments.

Those who provide nursing and healthcare services are in greater need of coping strategies than ever before. They are also more exhausted than ever before. Nurse psychotherapy and coaching are both an art and science grounded in a relationship of trust. I’ve had a first-hand view of clinical and other health-related work settings and the increased complexities in these environments. I’ve researched the impact of work environments on those who provide healthcare services.  As a result of these research efforts, I have come to believe that we must build our abilities and resiliency to face the challenges we meet and to do the kind of work we initially started out to do!

If you feel overworked, overwhelmed, exhausted, frustrated, or angry, OR you have become complacent and apathetic about your work and you believe that these feelings are related to work issues, I am committed to working with you to clarify what you need to reach a place of calm amidst the chaos.

I pursued psychotherapy and coaching studies to help colleagues do more than survive in their work environments.


What My Clients Say About Our Work Together

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A note to say a huge thank you for the difference in how I am feeling now compared to when I first reached out to you. I can’t exactly remember what I said in that first email to you, however, I felt filled with guilt, fear & self-doubt. I also remember how I felt after our first call together. I truly felt listened to & that you understood me. Thank you for that.

Our work together has helped me see that I can get that spark back for nursing. However, more importantly, I have that spark back in my home life. My work was consuming me…my thoughts about work consumed me so much. I couldn’t attend to myself much less anyone else, including my husband.

I have started to make some career decisions. I bet you are not surprised! I feel so good about the next part of my nursing story! I am feeling so much more confident. I am so appreciative of all you have taught me, your support, & most importantly supporting me to believe in myself.
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I couldn’t be more grateful for our time together, the safe space you create, your unwavering support and your mindfulness. It’s all the little thoughtful approaches that you take that makes it possible for me to feel I can push myself in this time of growth in a very vulnerable area of my life’s experience and not block up that throat chakra. So, thank you for your kindness and loving approach.
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I cannot begin to explain how much the whole experience working with you has helped me. As you know, I have been on this journey for some time now and I have to admit I have had many highs and lows. I feel I have new tools that I need to help me continue on my spiritual path. I have a sense of calm, inner peace and strength that I have no doubt you initiated, and for that I thank you!

Linda, you have a special gift, and I am truly honoured that you shared your wisdom, guidance and energy with me.
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I absolutely loved sharing in this process with Linda! She is an amazing facilitator, gifted with the ability to “hold the space” as you look inward and reveal wonderful new thoughts, ideas, and revelations.

Holding space is a conscious act of being present, open, allowing and protective of what another needs in each moment. Linda is the personification of this phrase. Thoughtful questions and gentle guidance combined with sincere caring, and intuition lead me to new messages and understanding. I am more confident to take the next step and begin a new chapter. Thank you, Linda!