1:1 Sessions

Enjoy a guided one-on-one session with me to decompress from stress, create awareness, embrace gratitude, and set clear and actionable goals for your healing journey.

Benefits of 1:1 Sessions With Me


Increased awareness about resilience skills and abilities you already possess.

Coping Strategies

Identification of personalized strategies to cope with the demands and complexities of your work.

Decision Making

Learn how to make decisions to feel and act confidently and for your health and well-being.


Discover how your physical and emotional well-being impact each other. Learn how to use an evidence-based tool to minimize negative impacts. 

How My Process Works

Schedule Your Free Session

Reach out to book a completely complimentary consultation. We'll discuss your struggles, and create an actionable plan together.

Discover Your Sustainable Solution

After our assessment we'll begin working together on your healing journey, teaching coping skills, and start your transformation.

Experience The Results

Together we will assess your emotional and physical growth and achievements, and celebrate your accomplishments.

I feel I have new tools that I need to help me continue on my spiritual path. I have a sense of calm, inner peace and strength that I have no doubt you initiated, and for that I thank you!

Find Out What
Self-Care Means For You & What Will Work For You.

People talk about “self-care practices” all the time. These practices are often not sustainable because they come from a cookie-cutter approach. 

I work with my clients through deep inquiry and explore how to develop a healthy, sustainable, and resilient lifestyle despite the chaotic work environments in which they work.

Built on a specific 7-step process I have developed, coaching occurs in several ways, to support you to learn about the impact of your challenges and identify your strengths to meet those challenges to build a consistent self-care practice.

Read more about this program in my eBook. Click the button below.



Specific Assessments

I’m trained in various psychotherapeutic and coaching methods and believe in an evidence-informed approach to my client’s work. Depending on your reasons for seeking support, I will ask you to complete assessments (done together or on your own for discussion in our first session). Based on your assessment outcomes, we’ll develop personalized strategies to guide your progress.


Our Work Together

My extensive background in nursing, psychotherapy, and coaching informs my professional services. I am well-versed in various approaches, from solution-focused to positive psychology, applied neuroscience, narrative and health coaching and dream work interpretation. You are seeking support because you are in pain. But remember, everyone’s journey is unique. What works for one may not work for another. That’s why our work is tailored specifically to your needs and how you make the necessary changes. At the heart of our work is the understanding that you are unique as is your path to balance and well-being.


Dream Work Interpretation

If clients want to explore their life’s challenges in this way, part of deep inquiry may involve interpretation of their dream work. Together, we can explore the profound messages dreams are waiting to reveal.


Transformational Processes

I developed a 7-step framework after seeing several nurse clients and identified common patterns of struggle across these clients. However, this framework is a guideline, not a prescription! I guide my clients through a unique opportunity for self-discovery and development based on several activities that lead to positive changes in mindset, beliefs, and emotional healing. Learning new coping skills, discarding negative habits, overcoming fears, and developing resilience are all part of this self-discovery…it is possible!


What My Clients Say About Our Work Together

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A note to say a huge thank you for the difference in how I am feeling now compared to when I first reached out to you. I can’t exactly remember what I said in that first email to you, however, I felt filled with guilt, fear & self-doubt. I also remember how I felt after our first call together. I truly felt listened to & that you understood me. Thank you for that.

Our work together has helped me see that I can get that spark back for nursing. However, more importantly, I have that spark back in my home life. My work was consuming me…my thoughts about work consumed me so much. I couldn’t attend to myself much less anyone else, including my husband.

I have started to make some career decisions. I bet you are not surprised! I feel so good about the next part of my nursing story! I am feeling so much more confident. I am so appreciative of all you have taught me, your support, & most importantly supporting me to believe in myself.
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I couldn’t be more grateful for our time together, the safe space you create, your unwavering support and your mindfulness. It’s all the little thoughtful approaches that you take that makes it possible for me to feel I can push myself in this time of growth in a very vulnerable area of my life’s experience and not block up that throat chakra. So, thank you for your kindness and loving approach.
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I cannot begin to explain how much the whole experience working with you has helped me. As you know, I have been on this journey for some time now and I have to admit I have had many highs and lows. I feel I have new tools that I need to help me continue on my spiritual path. I have a sense of calm, inner peace and strength that I have no doubt you initiated, and for that I thank you!

Linda, you have a special gift, and I am truly honoured that you shared your wisdom, guidance and energy with me.
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I absolutely loved sharing in this process with Linda! She is an amazing facilitator, gifted with the ability to “hold the space” as you look inward and reveal wonderful new thoughts, ideas, and revelations.

Holding space is a conscious act of being present, open, allowing and protective of what another needs in each moment. Linda is the personification of this phrase. Thoughtful questions and gentle guidance combined with sincere caring, and intuition lead me to new messages and understanding. I am more confident to take the next step and begin a new chapter. Thank you, Linda!